Writing Challenge | November
I love setting writing goals for myself. It pushes me and motivates me to accomplish more than I think I’m capable of. So, of course, I had to set a writing goal for November, along with many other writers out there.
This year, I’m joining my fellow Christian Mommy Writers in our WYNN (Write Your Novel November) challenge. I hope to get 20,000 words down this month, which seems like a big goal, considering how busy the month can be.
But I believe it can be done, and so I’m buckling down to get started.
Daily Writing Tracker Printable
I spent far too much time making this document this morning, when I probably should have been writing (whoops!). I thought I’d share it here in case you’re interested in printing one for yourself. I typically jot my daily word count down in the notes app in my phone, but this seems a lot easier.
Click the link below to download your own printable.
Are you participating in a writing challenge this month? I’d love to know what goal you’ve set for yourself down in the comments.