I Wrote a Book | This is My Prayer

I've been working on something for a while now, and I have been holding off on writing about it here as an official public announcement, but I'm finally ready to share about it.
I wrote a book!
How very exciting it is to type those words. It was November 2020 when I mentioned to my husband, Jacob, a budding idea for a story. His response: "You should write that."
And so I did.
It's a historical romance novel based in the Rocky Mountains. It’s about a wealthy heiress who’s on the run, and a man who feels duty bound to help her. There’s romance, and a little bit of danger.
It's been a long road of learning, and writing, and rewriting, but a few months back, I finished my first draft, and I’m now working on my second draft.
It has been a real blessing to write this story. I believe God has called me to write, and it is my hope and prayer that He will equip and enable me to write entertaining stories that are not only fun to read, but that both believer and non-believer might walk away feeling encouraged. This prayer has truly captured and ministered to my heart as a writer—it is my prayer for all I do in this writing endeavor:
"Grant, O Lord my God, that I may never fall away in success or in failure; that I may not be prideful in prosperity nor dejected in adversity. Let me rejoice only in what unites us and sorrow only in what separates us. May I strive to please no one or fear to displease anyone except Yourself. May I seek always the things that are eternal and never those that are only temporal. May I shun any joy that is without You and never seek any that is beside You. O Lord, may I delight in any work I do for You and tire of any rest that is apart from You. My God, let me direct my heart towards You, and in my failings, always repent with a purpose of amendment," (St. Thomas Aquinas).
Bailey, I am in your Scribes group and have loved reading Gracie's story. I can't wait to see it in print!