This Is Our Story

Valentine's Day is one week away. I thought that it was appropriate to share some highlights of our love story with you.
In The Summer of 2013 I felt the Lord call me to begin serving in the Jr High room at church. This was when I met my future husband, though I had no idea at the time. I spent that summer attempting to deny feelings for this wonderful man named Jacob, but the Lord continued to put him on my heart no matter how much I tried to fight it.
In The Fall of 2015 I left America to go to a country God called me to, in order to teach me, grow me, and prepare me for what was ahead. I left America and found it extremely difficult for one reason: Jacob Cornell.
I remember my flight to Ireland, and as I held a book, and listened to an album given to me by this man, I wondered how I could spend three months away from him. This moment, en route to my destination, was one of my most difficult moments.
December 21, 2015, just days after I'd returned, Jacob told me that we were going to move forward in our relationship. Yes, told me. There wasn't any question because of the confidence God had given him, and even me, that this was His will for our lives. Jacob displayed his love for me during these months in a way that I know has changed me.
March 25, 2016, on a very good Friday, Jacob got on one knee and asked me if I would marry him. I said yes twice. And Jacob's been asking me ever since. (I'm serious. It isn't abnormal for him to stop in the middle of a parking lot or shopping center, and get on one knee to propose. It's quite the panic on my part, I assure you).
July 16, 2016, I stood with Jacob and made a covenant before God and man. Jacob became my husband, and I became his wife.
I spent a lot of my time giving God some ideas for my love story, and a lot of time attempting to do things myself. But, golly, am I thankful that God did not allow me to have my way. I thought my ideas were pretty good, but He had something far better than I could have ever hoped or imagined. What I am trying to get at with you, ladies in waiting, is this message: wait well.
Do not attempt to take things into your own hands, but surrender up your desires to the Lord. He cares for you and sees the desires of your heart. Don't let the monster inside that we call 'waiting' steal your joy for today. I thank God for the work He did in bringing Jacob and I together. It is evident that God was the One working. It is mine and Jacob's prayer that now, and throughout the entirety of our marriage, God will continue to be the one building.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it" (Psalm 127:1).